



1. 表示安慰;

2. 提出建议;

3. 表达祝愿。



Step 1 文体感知


Step 2 谋篇布局

Step 3 语言组织


1. I m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on... 很高兴收到你就……征求建议的来信。

2. Learning/Knowing that..., I d like to give some suggestions which I think should be helpful. 得知……,我想提供一些可能有帮助的建议。

3. You have asked me for my advice on... 你向我征求关于……的意见。

4. I am writing to express my views concerning... 我现在写信是想表达我对……的看法。

5. Here are a few suggestions to help you. 这里有一些帮助你的建议。

6. My suggestions are as follows. 我的建议如下。

7. I m sorry to hear that you are having trouble fitting in your new school. Such problems are quite normal. Perhaps the following suggestions are helpful. 很遗憾听说你在适应新学校方面有困难。(出现)这样的问题是很正常的。可能下面的建议会(对你)有一些帮助。

8. I have received your letter saying you plan to pay a visit to China for ten days next month. Perhaps the following suggestions are helpful to you. 我已经收到了你的来信。信上说你打算下个月来中国游览十天。可能下面的建议对你是有帮助的。

9. You have asked me for my advice on how to learn Chinese, and I will try to make some suggestions here. 你就如何学习汉语询问我的建议,那么我就在这里给出一些建议。

10. I m very glad to have received your e?鄄mail. Now I m writing to give you some advice on how to learn English well in high school. 很高興收到你的电子邮件。现在,关于如何在高中学好英语,我给你提供一些建议。


1. Firstly, why not join a club? If you do this, you can make friends. 首先,为什么不参加一个俱乐部呢?如果你参加,你就会交到朋友。

2. Secondly, you should try to talk with others. That way, you will feel better. 其次,你应该尝试与人交谈。这样,你会感觉好点。

3. Thirdly, it would be a good idea if you read a book or listen to music. By doing this, you will calm yourself down. 第三,看书或听音乐将会是个不错的主意。这样做的话,你就会使自己平静下来。

4. Last but not least, you should talk with her first. 最后但同样重要的是,你应该先和她谈一谈。

5. As far as I am concerned/In my opinion, you should help each other. 就我而言/在我看来,你们应该互相帮助。


1. I hope you will find these proposals helpful/practical. 我希望这些建议对你有帮助/有用。

2. I hope my suggestions will be of some help. 我希望我的建议会有所帮助。

3. I would appreciate it if you would consider my suggestion. 如果您能考虑我的建议,我将不胜感激。

4. I will be more than happy to see improvements in this regard. 如果在这一方面有所改善,我会非常开心。

5. As time goes on, people will know you better and will like to make friends with you if you can follow the above advice. 如果你遵从以上建议,随着时间的推移,人们会更加了解你,并愿意和你交朋友。

6. I believe that if you follow my advice, you ll get along well with your classmates. 我相信,如果你听从我的建议,你会和同学们相处得很好。


to begin with、in addition、furthermore、finally(首先、另外、再者、最后)

first、besides、last but not least(首先、此外、最后但同样重要的是)

most important of all、moreover(最重要的是、此外)

for one thing...for another(一则……,二则……)

on the one hand...on the other hand(一方面……,另一方面……)



1. 表示理解;

2. 给出建议;

3. 表达祝愿。

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