新生儿颅内出血的临床表现不包括 [新生儿颅内出血84例临床分析]

  [摘要] 目的:探讨新生儿颅内出血的原因及其临床诊治途径。方法:回顾性分析84例新生儿颅内出血患儿的临床资料。结果:临床治愈63例(75%),好转或自动出院15例(17.9%),死亡6例(7.1%);1年后随访55例,有明显后遗症者14例(25.5%)。结论:缺氧、损伤是新生儿颅内出血的主要原因,加强围生期保健,加强高危儿监测,及时发现和处理是预防新生儿颅内出血的重要措施。
  [关键词] 颅内出血;新生儿;临床分析;诊治
  [中图分类号] R722.15+1 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-4721(2011)03(c)-038-02
  Neonatal intracerebral hemorrhage 84 cases of clinical analysis
  RONG Weiling
  Dongan County People"s Hospital of Hunan Province, Dongan 425900, China
  [Abstract] Objective: To explore the causes and neonatal intracerebral haemorrhage clinical diagnosis way. Methods: To retrospective analysis of 84 newborns intracerebral hemorrhage of children"s clinical data. Results: Clinical cure 63 cases (75%), improvement or automatic discharge 15 cases (17.9), death 6 patients (7.1%); 1 years follow-up 55 cases, had apparent sequela of 14 cases (25.5%). Conclusion: Hypoxia, damage is the main cause of neonatal intracerebral haemorrhage, strengthen the perinatal care, strengthen high-risk son monitoring, are found and dealt with on time is to prevent neonatal intracerebral hemorrhage important measures.
  [Key words] Intracranial hemorrhage; Newborn; Clinical analysis; Treatment
  新生儿颅内出血(intracranial hemorrhage,ICH)是新生儿期的严重疾病,也是新生儿主要死因之一[1],存活者也常常遗留脑瘫、癫痫等严重的神经系统后遗症。因此及早诊断和进行有效治疗十分重要。本文回顾性分析了2008年4月~2010年4月本院所收治的84例新生儿颅内出血患儿的临床资料,现报道如下:
  1 资料与方法
  1.1 一般资料

推荐访问:新生儿 出血 临床 颅内