writing with_Idiomatic,English,writing,with,English,thinking

  Abstract: Chinese and English, belonging to eastern and western cultural systems respectively, reveal several differences between each other. This paper, based upon their difference in syntax and thinking mode, attempts to make a tentative research into how professional writing is produced.
  Key Word: English writing, English thinking, chinglish, idiomatic
  1.Problems in Chinese learners’ writing;
   Mistakes of such kind frequently found in Chinese students’ writings include: a. The disuse of translation; Translation is a special art which can’t be performed by word-for-word matching process. Students, however, often works out sentences in their own language and then translate it in this way. The individual word or phrase may make sense, but the sentences as a whole makes nonsense and that’s how chinglish is produced. A case in point is the expression of this statement ,“ 我们用心去思考。” Chinese learner incline to do it in this way “I use my heart to think.”, which quite confuses native speakers. They work out sentences lacking a verb or a subject and conjunctions. For example: The weather in Beijing is not as pleasing as in Kunming . “that” after “than” is omitted. Another case of such a mistake is the tendency to confuse grammatical patterns which are similar in form but different in meaning.
  2. Differences between Chinese and English.
  2.1Differences in the thinking
  English belongs to Indo-European family, while Chinese belongs to Sino-Tibetan family. That’s the foundation of discrepancies between the two. English thinking is linear, moving from overviews to details. Chinese thinking is spiral, putting everything in a big pot, stirring well and then serving whatever comes up. That’s why English sentences are like grape with frequent use of preps and prons, while Chinese ones are like bamboo with lots of use of verbs and nouns; Chinese emphasizes on the whole, yet English on the individual; Chinese focuses on intuition and art featured by vividness whereas English on science and logic featured by abstractness
  2.2 Intercultural Differences
  Differences exist in culture of different countries. when people understand a word , they always bring their own world of experiences and associations into the meaning of the word , and then the meaning of the word is determined in large part by each person’ reference . The same word may have different meanings to people from different cultures . Many words may not only have more than one meaning but also culture-bound . Learning new words is also learning the conceptual knowledge associated with the word . Or we can say , learning new words is learning the new culture .
  3. Ways to write idiomatic and excellent English composition
  3.1. The initial stage to form English thinking pattern: language sense gaining. Language sense is beyond words, it helps us to go through with the following part of a sentence without analysis of the grammar and structure. Language sense impels us to spell it out without being able to tell why. However, it is obtained on the prerequisite of the amount of extensive reading and listening. Think back on how we develop the language sense of our mother tongue. Before we could speak, we imitate while listening to others. This inevitable path justifies “read more and listen more” in language learning. Above all, all this has to be carried in persistence.
  3.2. Recitation.
  Recitation is an inevitable part of any language learning, let alone foreign language learning. Like empires built in bricks, sentences are composed of words, passages of sentences; hence, memorization involves all the way up from world level to passage. Recitation helps in a great deal to gain language sense, produce idiomatic writing and consolidate the words, grammars and sentence structures learned previously. More recitation means more input. The more input, the more output. In composing a writing, we could also resort to some sentence patterns and organization framework to make it more idiomatic.
  Chinese and English are different from each other, the differences of the two exert great influence upon writing. It is no doubt that we have to develop a English thinking pattern ,cause it means everything in professional English writing. However, it takes a long time and great effort for its development. Based on the the analysis of Chinese and English thinking patterns , they are supposed to get rid of the negative transfer and be aware of the discrepancies so as to pattern themselves on the English writing and to compose idiomatic English writing.
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