血必净注射液治疗肾积脓的临床疗效观察 血必净说明书

  摘要:目的 观察血必净注射液治疗肾积脓的临床疗效。方法 将20例肾积脓病人随机分成2组。对照组用依诺沙星(0.2g, 静滴,一天两次)+经皮肾穿刺造瘘引流,治疗组另加血必净注射液50ml静脉滴注,每天2次。比较治疗5天后两组相关临床表现及实验室检查结果,并对其肾切除率作比较。结果 治疗组的退热情况,血象改变,C-反应蛋白下降,红细胞沉降率与对照组相比均有显著性差异,但肾切除率差异无显著性。结论 血必净注射液治疗肾积脓与依诺沙星同时使用,可缩短病程,改善临床症状,疗效显著。�
  关键词 血必净注射液 肾积脓 依诺沙星 经皮肾穿刺造瘘��
  The Clinical Effect of Xuebijing Injection Solution on Pyonephrosis.Li Jian-xin,Fang Hai-lin,Wu Bao-guo,et al.Department of urology ,Yuebe People’s Hospital of Shaoguan, affiliated with Shan Tou University,Shaoguan 512025.Guangdong,China.��
  【Abstract】Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of Xuebijing inject solution (最好按其药品说明书上的填写)on pyonephrosis.Methods 20 cases of pyonephrosis were randomly divided into two groups (control group and treatment group). The control group was treated with Enoxacin �0.2g, iv gtt B.i.d�and drainage by percutaneous nephrostomy; while the treatment group received additional Xuebijing treatment (50ml iv gtt B.i.d ). After 5 days treatment, some clinical variation ,laboratory outcomes and the nephretomy rates of these two groupswere analyzed and compared.Results there were significant differences in the changes of temperature, hemogram, C reaction protein�CRP�and Erthrocyte Sedimentation rate (ESR) between them. but no differnence in the nephretomy rate.Conclusions using antibiotics and Xuebijing together on treating pyonephrosis can shorten the course of disease and improve clinical symptoms better. Its effect is very obvious.�
  【Key words】Xuebijing inject;solution;pyonephrosis;Enoxacin;percutaneous nephrostomy��
  1 资料与方法�
  1.1 一般资料 20例病人,经皮肾穿刺及影像学检查明确为单侧结石梗阻导致肾积脓。随机分为两组:治疗组10例,男性6例,女性4例,年龄23岁~56岁,左侧梗阻5例,右侧梗阻5例,病程2天~3年;对照组10例,男性5例,女性5例,年龄25岁~50岁,左侧梗阻4例,右侧梗阻6例,病程5天~2.5年。所有病人均无合并糖尿病,无近期外伤史,手术史,无严重心肺肝脏疾病。脓液细菌培养18例,大肠埃希氏菌10例,变形杆菌4例,另4例培养为阴性。1.2 治疗方法 对照组采用依诺沙星(0.2g, 静滴,一天两次)+经皮肾穿刺造瘘引流,治疗组另加血必净注射液50ml+生理盐水100ml静脉滴注,每天2次,疗程共5天。�
  1.3 观察项目 观察两组病人治疗前后的退热情况、血象改变(WBC)、C-反应蛋白下降、红细胞沉降率及肾切除率的改变。�
  1.4 统计学方法 连续型资料结果以均数±标准差表示,两组间均数比较采用t检验;两组肾切除率的比较采用Fisher精确概率检验;P

推荐访问:注射液 疗效 临床 观察